Interesting Death Facts This Part Of Body Decomposed Last After Death

Interesting Death Facts This Part Of Body Decomposed Last After Death

Death Facts: Death is inevitable. Everyone has to die one day or the other. Death is one of the few unsolved mysteries of the world. Suddenly, when a person who used to think and work a lot in his mind dies in one stroke, how does his body accept this truth? What happens inside the body that becomes lifeless after the death of the soul? These are the questions related to death, on which scientists have done a lot of research. Today, in this article, we will tell you some such facts related to these questions, knowing which you might be surprised.

body becomes as cold as ice

In scientific language it is called Algor M. This is the condition when your body temperature starts falling rapidly. Usually the body temperature of a human is 37°C, but after death it starts cooling down at the rate of 0.8°C/hour. This is called cooling of the body in common language.

stiffness of the body

A few hours after death stiffness starts in every part of the body. Physiologically, this is due to a rapid drop in Adenosine Triphosphate levels. It begins with a spasm of the eyelids and stiffness in the muscles of the throat.

What is the effect of death on the ‘heart’?

You must have seen that doctors declare the death of a person when his heart stops working. Actually, when the heart stops working, the pumping of blood also stops and blood starts filling inside the human heart. In such a situation, blood gets filled in the veins and arteries as well.

body starts changing its color

As soon as the bleeding stops, the period of change starts in the body. Two colors start appearing in the body. The lower part of the body becomes very stable and it starts turning yellow or white. While the upper part of the body, where the blood accumulates, looks red or blue.

Muscles remain alive even after a few hours

It may sound a bit strange, but human muscles remain alive for a few hours after death. For this reason, sometimes even after someone’s death, slight movement or pulsation can be seen in the body.

body sounds

After death, the human body starts to stiffen, so because of this different types of sounds also come. Sometimes these voices also appear in the form of belching and fart. Many times doctors and nurses are also stunned to hear these voices after death in the hospital.

Bones leave at last

Shortly after death, the process of decomposition of the body begins. The enzymes which help in digesting food while alive, after death start digesting the body parts. Lastly, the bones of our body get decomposed. After 10-20 years of death, the bones of the body start melting.

Read this also – Organ donation can give new life to 50 people, read which parts of the body can be donated

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